CTIA Hands
Showing all 8 results
CTIA Hand Phantoms (Kits)
CTIA Hand Phantom Kits comprise of various combinations of IXB-030 SAM Phantoms IXB-05x R&L hand phantoms IXBH-06x and IXBH-09x Talkmode and Datamode fixtures IXF-CTIA-v3.x Fluid or Gels IXB-011A Full face masks Carry Cases etc Please contact Indexsar to discuss your requirement.Read moreView Product →
IXB-050 R&L CTIA ‘Mono’ Hand Phantom
The IXB-050 R & L ‘Mono’ grip phantom hands have been formed from a standard open palm hand whose dimensions have been based on a number of studies of human hands. They are specified by the CTIA to be used for ‘Talk Mode’ testing of hand held devices having a width less than 52mm. The IXB-050 hands are supplied with a IXBS-050 […]Read moreView Product →
IXB-051 R&L CTIA ‘Fold’ Hand Phantom
The IXB-051 R & L ‘Fold’ grip phantom hands have been formed from a standard open palm hand whose dimensions have been based on a number of studies of human hands. They are specified by the CTIA to be used for testing hand held ‘clam’ or hinged devices. The IXB-051 hands are used for ‘Talk’ mode testing and are […]Read moreView Product →
IXB-052 R&L CTIA ‘Data’ Hand Phantom
The IXB-052 R & L ‘Data’ grip phantom hands have been formed from a standard open palm hand whose dimensions have been based on a number of studies of human hands. They are specified by the CTIA to be used for free space testing hand held devices having a width less than 52mm. The IXB-052 hands can be […]Read moreView Product →
IXB-053 R&L CTIA ‘PDA’ Hand Phantom
The IXB-053 R & L ‘PDA’ grip phantom hands have been formed from a standard open palm hand whose dimensions have been based on a number of studies of human hands. They are specified by the CTIA to be used for ‘Talk Mode’ and ‘Data Mode testing of hand held devices having a width greater than 52mm and less than 72mm. […]Read moreView Product →
IXB-054 R&L Ultra Wide ‘PDA’ Hand Phantom
The IXB-054 R & L UW ‘PDA’ grip phantom hands have been formed from a standard open palm hand whose dimensions have been based on a number of studies of human hands. They are designed to be used for ‘Talk Mode’ and ‘Data Mode testing of hand held devices having a width greater than 73mm and less than 92mm. The IXB-054 hands […]Read moreView Product →
IXB-056 R&L UltraWide ‘PDA’ Hand Phantom CTIA Compliant
The IXB-056 R & L UW ‘PDA’ grip phantom hands have been formed from a standard open palm hand whose dimensions have been based on a number of studies of human hands. They are designed to be used for ‘Talk Mode’ and ‘Data Mode testing of hand held devices having a width greater than 72mm and […]Read moreView Product →
IXC-020 PDA Phantom hand case
A convenient carry case for PDA ‘grip’ phantom hands.Read moreView Product →