SAR Testing
SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)Testing IndexSAR has been producing SAR test systems more than a decade. Indexsar has been a leader in SAR test reduction techniques being the first company to offer a commercial SAR testing product using 2D scan information combined with a depth reconstruction algorithm. With the proliferation of wireless technologies, transmission bands, and MIMO techniques, ways to cut the escalating SAR workload are no longer just of interest to technicians, they have become a fundamental consideration for companies testing SAR. With the number of measurement points and testing scenarios escalating, the use of historic procedures are untenable in the long term. Indexsar’s third generation SAR testing system [SARA-C ]offers a flexible and responsive approach to SAR testing. SARA-C is built around an agile, lightweight, 6-axis Cartesian robot. It encapsulates all the proven benefits conventional robotic systems, but with a modern approach on design and usability. SAR testing products include:- SARA-C SAR test system
- DiLine Dielectric Property Test Kit
- SAR Probes
- ‘Touchsafe’ on-site direct reading SAR meter
- Tissue Simulant Liquids
- SAR Validation Amplifier modules
- Broadband amplifiers for linearity testing
- Directional Couplers
- Liquid Validation Dipoles.
SAR Test home page

The energy absorbed from a wireless device by the human body is an important issue as it can alter the radiation pattern and cause considerable degradation of device performance. Target dielectric properties have be accepted by a number of international standards, IndexSAR have developed a range of materials to replicate these values over a wide frequency range for both head and body , in a solid , liquid or gel form. The original SAM head phantom has been used for many years in SAR testing and has been adopted by the wireless industry for Over The Air (OTA) testing. As body effects have become more of a performance issue the demand for other body phantom has increased. IndexSAR worked closely with the CTIA ‘Head and hands working group’, and collaborated with a number of major device manufacturers to develop, a standard hand and then, a range of phantom hands with ‘grips’ to meet the varying requirements of a wide range of wireless handsets and handheld devices. With the advent and proliferation of body worn devices, IndexSAR continues to offer a growing range of body ‘part’ phantoms, from ears for wireless hearing aid testing, to a full size body mannequin for testing antenna effects of body worn transmitters. Phantom products include:- Full Body
- Drive testing systems
- SAM Heads
- Hands
- Ears
- Wrists
- Feet
- Body material blocks/columns
- Liquids
- Gels
- Phantom Fixtures
Phantoms home page

Over the Air (OTA) Testing
Total Radiated Power (TRP) measurements using body phantoms are an important performance requirement for wireless device manufacturers and service providers. The CTIA have developed a Test Plan for Mobile Station Over the Air (OTA) Performance. IndexSAR, a CTIA listed phantom manufacturer, have collaborated with Emscan to provide a bench top phantom head + hands test fixture. When combined with the Emscan RFX2 scanner the resultant iOTA System can be used for ‘talk mode’, or optionally, free space testing. Applications range from antenna design verification to ‘end of line’ manufacturing testing. The iOTA performs fast accurate measurements with excellent correlation when compared to results from a full compliant OTA test system. Wireless devices can be placed repeatedly against the RFX2 and provide TRP measurements in seconds. Users can execute real-time analysis of their mobile devices and test multiple design iterations. This unique test approach gives designers the freedom to make rapid prototypes and explore new designs, materials and forms. Optimizing complex embedded antenna designs at the desktop without wasting time and money waiting in congested anechoic chamber lines. When used in production testing the iOTA can give confidence that the final assembled product conforms to the original design specifications. The RFX2 has a built in compensation offset compared taken from a database of device results tested in a CTIA compliant TRP test system.OTA home page

The company is a progressive flexible organisation based on decades of experience in the wireless testing industry that is able and welcomes custom developments to meet specific test applications. IndexSAR offers the following standard services:IndexSAR offers the following services;
SAR probe calibration
Dipole calibration
Tissue Simulant measurement
Please contact us for further details
Services Home Page
About Us
IndexSAR specialise in the manufacture test equipment testing wireless devices in the frequency range 300MHz – 6GHz
We are focused in two main radio testing areas: SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) testing, and the manufacture of body phantoms and human body tissue simulants for radio, Over The Air (OTA), performance testing.
Our SAR products include a cost effective standards compliant SAR testing system, a range of highly isotropic E-field probes for use in both air and tissue simulant liquids, and a unique high accuracy test kit for the measurement of the dielectric properties of liquids and gels.
For device and antenna performance testing we can supply a wide range of suitable phantoms and fixtures meeting the requirement of the CTIA Test Plan.
IndexSAR have been active participants on a number of radio standards bodies for many years.
The company is a progressive flexible organisation based on decades of experience in the wireless testing industry that is able and welcomes custom developments to meet specific test applications.