The IXB-034G uses the standard IXB-030 SAM head phantom which has the dimensions (CAD file) as specified in international SAR standard and now adopted by the CTIA in their Over The Air test plan.
IndexSAR have developed a broadband tissue simulating gel (IXG-CTIA) that meets the dielectric targets set out in CTIA test plan. A gel filled phantom has the benefit of being fully sealed and having a longer life that conventional liquid sealed phantoms which can become contaminated or have air introduced during periodic testing , each phantom is supplied with test samples to avoid opening the phantom these are provided to give confidence over aging.
Whole SAM OTA Phantom
- Built in expansion relief
- Filled with CTIA compliant Gel IXG-CTIA)
- Supplied with certificate of conformance and individual test results of gel/fluid dielectric properties
- Meets CTIA extended dimensions, 300 x 225mm +/- 2mm
- Shell 2mm +/-10% thick except at the ear and sagittal seam
- Strengthened for horizontal manipulation
- 13mm Perspex base with x 4 threaded M8 fixing hole
- Individually measured
- CTIA liquid filled weight 6.75kg
- Fixing, 4x 8mm screws 6mm deep 110 x 75mm pitch