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Author Archive | Mike Summerfield

New CTIA compliant UW grip PDA hand

Indexsar New CTIA compliant UWPDA hand IXB-056 CTIA have agreed to a new hand grip for testing ultra wide devices up to 92mm width devices. Using the same recipe developed by Indexsar and SPEAG, the new hands will be available from April 2016. (more…)

Hand/Wrist phantom

‘Classic’ IndexSAR hand grip Material dielectric properties according to the current CTIA OTA Test Plan Wide frequency range 600MHz – 2.8GHz Stable, elastic material with optimised stiffness Left and right hand option Hand fitted with mounting boss suitable for both “Conical cut” and “Roll over azimuth” OTA test systems (more…)

New Fast SAR solution

Indexsar are pleased to announce a new version of the SARA-C series of SAR measuring systems, SARA-CF. SARA-CF provides SAR measurements in less than 30secs. Compared with most SAR measurements of 30 to 40 minutes. The values obtained are within 3% of Full SAR values. The SARA-CF is a cost effective solution with upgrade paths […]
Indexsar Release new Block Hands
Indexsar Block Hands offer next generation of testing capabilities Head and hand phantoms are required for use in anechoic chambers (since they are small and repeatable)IndexSAR have worked closely with the CTIA ‘Head and hands’ working group to design the v 3,3 hand grips. Those specified in CTIA and 3GPP conformance test specifications and have […]
New Drive Test Solution
Indexsar announce New drive test solution for carriers and device designers. This new system allows users to measure data from devices using CTIA or Indexsar phantoms.
Hands In full production — Left hands now available
Now that the CTIA OTA Test Plan version 3.1 has been recently been voted for, IndexSAR are now in full production with hands fully compliant to version 3.1. All hands now have the new common recipe and have be made by a common process as agreed with the CTIA v 3.1. We would like to […]

New Phantom Hand – CTIA hands and fixtures

For the last two years Indexsar have been heavily involved with the CTIA Head and hand working group in the development of Phantom Hands for OTA testing according to their revised standard: CTIA Test Plan for Mobile Station Over the Air Performance, Revision 3.0 (April 2009) At the first CTIA audit at ETS-Lindgren on the […]